Way To God

                               بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم                   
How to Know your God by your self
Is some one asked him self Why we are Created ??? Why we are here in this Huge World ???
Maybe for Life But which Life Is It???

For Example Our day
We are always going to work,eat,drink,sleep,marry and do what we want to do (watching TV sit on net...)

Then what is the difference between this life and the animals life
I am sorry about this example
But this is the true, we are going to be animals.
Animals eat,drink,sleep and marry

That about Animals
What about us ??  Are we like animals ??
Animals created for human to eat it
this is the animals created for
So is there who looking for us to eat us like we eat animals
I Don't Think So

So Why we are here in this World ???
We are here to worship the Creator who Creat Us 

Who is the creator ??? How he created us??? & Why  ???
He is ALLAH 
Who Create the Sky , Mountains ,Trees and Animals  


 think with me about this tower ((Eiffel Tower))    

 Is It come to the Earth by Chance Or Physics
 Of Course not

 It was built by Workers In many days

And This Egypt's Pyramids
It's too built by the old Egyptions 
And Many Like That 

But this River  who Created It 
  ALLAH (sbhanh wtalal)
Who Create All of That He Who rise this Sky Up without Piers 
Allah who Created us and gave us this life to Worship Him 
so We Created To Worship ALLAH During Our life 
Like the Car It's Made for take us from Place to Another  with Fuel 

So we took this Life to Worship Allah with Eat , Drank , Marry but not like the Animals 

How do we Worship Allah ???? 
Allah sent Messangers to Guide Us To Him 
To His Paradise 
Who Is Our Messanger and how can i worship Allah 
He Is Muhammad   
Way to Allah  go to Allah